Club Officers:

President -Steve Bonn
Vice President - John Stump
Secretary/Treasurer - Bill Polhamus
Safety Officer - Eric Larson

Club Positions:

Newsletter Editor -Bill Polhamus -

Webmaster - Ted Schott -
Field Management -Mike Smith


Steve Bonn
Bill Polhamus
Eric Larson
Randy Kleinert
Mike Smith

Established in 1955, our club is chartered with the AMA for flying fixed wing aircraft and helicopters.
Our membership consistently hovers around 80 members (plus or minus) of all ages.
We have one flying location with a 350 foot runway nestled in the middle of a cornfield
off Bird River Beach Road.  We are always looking for a second field to use.
Anyone with any suggestions, please contact one of our Club Officers.

Even though we have 80 members, there is ample room to fly at our field daily and on weekends.
We hold many Fun Fly competitions for all skill levels.  

If you are new to the hobby, we suggest that you not buy anything until you have visited the field and
gotten a first hand explanation of what to buy. We have a number of instructors that will train you on how to fly.  There is no cost connected to the training.  Our instructors do it to further the hobby and to feel the satisfaction of teaching someone to "solo."  To solo, a nitro plane, a student must make three consecutive take offs and landings without crashing or stalling the engine.  After you "solo" you can then fly without the supervision of an instructor

Comments and suggestions to Webmaster, email us.